What the Egg?
A game inspired by golf with the goal of collecting all eggs on the screen.
Made by ColaniYT and PaulPlay for the Gameboy-like Gamejam by Watty. We created our own tileset and programmed everything on our own, however, we used some no-copyright sound effects and modified them to fit the game.
You can use A and B on your Controller or Keyboard (though, Controller is superior) to play.
We hope you like it :)

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Was fun working with you on this one! :)
was a painful experience that was 100% worth it in the end ;)
You can press F4 in the main menu to reset your progress if something is glitched, just so you know ;) Then you need to restart the game as well and it will be resetted.
Also: it seems like some sprites are glitched on mac devices? No idea why!